Get quick and accurate answers from your data.
Complex and complex tasks made simple.
A single user interface to interact with AI.
Valma tools allow artificial intelligence to use different tools to solve tasks.
Have the marketing carried out with high expertise and incredibly efficiently.
Experience customer support with 10x speed and alert 24/7.
Read exciting news about artificial intelligence
Learn how to use Valma AI
External and internal integrations
Get started for free, or choose a plan that suits your business.
To see detailed price table, please visit the page on a larger screen.
If you have any other questions, see our complete "Frequently Asked Questions" or contact us.
All users can try our platform for free with a limit of 100 credits and with some limitations. You can then choose the plan that suits you.
Yes, with Valma AI you can invite several employees, to be able to share assistants between you and collaborate.
We use Stripe for handling payments, which means you can use debit and credit cards for payment. (for more information see:
Companies that use our Enterprise plan can receive a dedicated invoice.
We follow the highest standards for data security and privacy protection (GPDR).
Data or communications are never used for any purpose.
All data is encrypted with AES-256 encryption, and we use the strictest security protocols (such as TLS 1.2+).
Please see our complete "privacy statement" and "Terms and conditions" for extended information.
Your data will never be used for training models, unless this is a desire to tailor a model.
Yes, you can cancel your plan and/or delete your account at any time.
You will then revert to using the free plan.
When you write to an artificial intelligence or use an assistant, this will take 1 message from your subscription.
Discover how Valma AI can revolutionize your company.
Applicable Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Norwegian business.