Get quick and accurate answers from your data.
Complex and complex tasks made simple.
A single user interface to interact with AI.
Valma tools allow artificial intelligence to use different tools to solve tasks.
Have the marketing carried out with high expertise and incredibly efficiently.
Experience customer support with 10x speed and alert 24/7.
Read exciting news about artificial intelligence
Learn how to use Valma AI
External and internal integrations
Ten times higher productivity by integrating AI into your own data
Simple and intuitive user experience, which makes it easy to navigate and create knowledge bases.
Extract data from web pages, PDF, DOC, XLS, XLM, JPG, PNG and many more file types.
Instant responses without hallucinations.
Understands and interprets context, ensuring accurate and relevant responses.
Quick and precise access to the desired information.
Good citation to confirm where the information originates.
Discover how Valma AI can revolutionize your company.
Applicable Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Norwegian business.
Product and website developed by Mikalsen AI 🇳🇴