Get quick and accurate answers from your data.
Complex and complex tasks made simple.
A single user interface to interact with AI.
Valma tools allow artificial intelligence to use different tools to solve tasks.
Have the marketing carried out with high expertise and incredibly efficiently.
Experience customer support with 10x speed and alert 24/7.
Read exciting news about artificial intelligence
Learn how to use Valma AI
External and internal integrations
Valma AI, a flagship product from Mikalsen AI, and was created with a clear purpose: to make artificial intelligence easily accessible to companies and industries throughout Norway. We are driven by a desire to transform how Norwegian business adopts and benefits from AI technology, by offering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each industry.
Our aim is to drive innovation, maximize productivity and ensure sustainable growth throughout the business world.
Companies must be confident that they are using a tool that protects their interests, safeguards privacy/GDPR, encryption of calls and data is never used to train artificial intelligence models
We emphasize transparency for users to see the source reference to how the artificial intelligence arrived at the answer.
Specialized knowledge for the Norwegian market to create the best solutions that actually have an impact on everyday life.
We develop our platforms in line with the users, so your needs are important to us.
Discover how Valma AI can revolutionize your company.
Applicable Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Norwegian business.
Product and website developed by Mikalsen AI 🇳🇴